Damages Caused by Roof Rats

Rats are undoubtedly the real hazard for your home and even for your society. They are known for doing damages at the banks of irrigation canals and levees and tear down electrical wires or water pipes, either in structures or below ground. In residential areas, these rats tear up insulation for making their shelters or easily chomp electrical wirings. While finding a shelter under a refrigerator or freezer, they sometimes feed on stored foods and destroy the insulated wires around the equipment.

Roof Rats

They further chomp up openings through doors, window sills, walls, ceilings, and floors that results a considerable harm to insulated structures. In some farming areas, roof rats cause noteworthy losses of tree crops such as citrus and avocados and, to a smaller degree, walnuts, almonds, and other nuts. They habitually eat all the pulp from oranges while the fruit is still hanging on the tree and leave behind only the empty peel. They also hole down & eat carrots, leaving the green leaves on top. Rats are double trouble with the potatoes, tunneling down to eat the potatoes, & knocking down the soil in the crest, divulging the potatoes which then go green.

Their movement in a sugarcane field attracts them towards matured cane and later they feed on the cane stalks. While they may not kill the stalk completely they generally attack and diminish the sugar quality. Rats also feed on newly planted seed, vegetable, melon, berry, and fruit crops occasionally results in a big damage for the vegetation. In pacific, rats are notorious for coconut damage. They usually attack on young nuts when the coconut milk sugar level in the nuts is highest. Rat damage to cocoa pods is also very prevalent. Most of the destruction occurs when pods ripen and usually amplifies during the harvesting season.
Sometimes some other crops are also attacked by the rats. These damages are extended to sweet potatoes, cassava, maize, peanuts, pineapples, melons and beans. Here sweet potatoes and cassava face major impact on the production while fruits such as melon and pineapple witness the prevailing and more affects of rat attack. Apart from other severe hazards food contamination by their urine and feces is one of the major problems humans face with rats. Rats pollute huge percentages of agricultural produce every year and have been known to contaminate food stuffs such as popcorn.

Since bamboo is such a good food source for these rats they eat it and breed up to eight times a year, which is basically four times more often than normal. According to the sources, the flowering of the bamboo leads the optimum surge in rat numbers in some countries where bamboo cultivation is found.

Rats are also responsible for damaging rice harvests in worst extent in some continents and it is speculated that due to increased population density in some countries it will become greater menace for rice fields if no worthy preventive measures take place.

Summary: Rats become the worst and very fatal threat for the society now days. At one side they are highly dangerous for agriculture and crops and on other way they are extremely lethal for the mankind as they are responsible for spreading deadly diseases in the mass.